How to Plan a Mission Trip 

Travel Tips

Whether traveling with a small life group or a large youth group, planning a mission trip can be a huge task to take on. Many decisions need to be made, such as where you will be staying and how you will get there. But before becoming overwhelmed, remember that all things are possible with God on your side. Organizing a mission trip takes planning, and you don’t have to do it alone. Butler Travel is a family-owned travel agency with years of experience to help you every step of the way. Here is our guide to planning a mission trip with your church.  

Step One: Finding the Mission 

The first step may seem easy, but finding your mission takes time and intention. Make sure you and your group are in prayer about where God wants you to be; remember, you are doing God’s work. You may often have something you want to do, a place you want to go, or a mission field you think will be perfect, but God may have something different for you and your group. Try not to rush into a decision immediately or make an impulsive choice. Once you find where you are going, set a clear intention for your group. Take time to pray and find how your group can best serve the Lord.  

Step Two: Research 

Planning a mission trip takes time and research, which can be intimidating to many. You must know where you are going, the dates you plan to go, where you are staying, how you will get around at your location, and how much it will cost per person. This can be challenging for many to research on their own. One of the best ways to travel, especially with a group, is to use a travel agency. When using a travel agency, you can bypass the long, daunting hours of researching and have guidance on making your trip as affordable and effective as possible. Butler Travel can help you with all the details, big and small, to help you and your group be as organized as possible.  

Step Three: Fundraising 

Once you have researched and found out how much it will cost per person and for the group, it is time to get out into the community and fundraise to help alleviate the expenses. There are many ways to fundraise for a mission trip, including collecting a Love Offering with your church, using social media, or even a good old-fashioned bake sale. It can be a challenge for some to ask others to help, but as you go out into the community and share your mission, you will find many others want to help and be part of God’s work in your mission.  

Step Four: Iron Out the Details 

Months before your mission trip, schedule regular meetings to review the trip’s fine details. A few things you will want to make sure to go over with your group before the trip are: 

  • Who is the group’s leader? 
  • What is the budget? 
  • Does everyone have the necessary travel documents (Passports, IDs, Insurance)? 
  • Make a packing list to give out that is based on your mission field. 
  • What are the expectations of the trip? What are everyone’s responsibilities and the group’s mission? 
  • Discuss cultural awareness of your location with your group.   
  • Prepare with your group Spiritually. Starting a Bible Study months before can help you to hear from the Holy Spirit and bring you closer as a group to accomplish your mission.  
  • Make an itinerary and hand it out so your group knows what they are doing and is well-equipped for the trip.  
  • Contact your travel agent to ensure your group has everything finalized before your trip.  

Step Five: Go Into the Mission Field 

Nothing is more exciting than going into the mission field God has prepared for you and doing His work. Before heading out, talk to your church about organizing a group send-off for your team. Your group must have supporters and a prayer team at home to help you spiritually on your journey. Head out with an open mind and a heart of God.  

Butler Travel is here to help ensure your group has the most fruitful mission trip possible. We can stand alongside you and your team from start to finish, ensuring you are not alone in the process. Our agents are here to meet all of your travel needs. We support your service and take a special interest in your mission.